
Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain services offered in Stamford, CT and Rye, NY

Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain services offered in Stamford, CT and Rye, NY

Chronic pain is the number one reason why people seek medical attention. It affects approximately 1 out of every 4 adults in the US. Our therapists at High Quality Home Therapy understand chronic pain and can help you manage your pain so you can enjoy your life again.  We will utilize a biopsyschosocial approach to healing. We want you to live your best life!


Chronic Pain Q&A

What is chronic pain?

Chronic pain is pain that lasts over 3 months. The pain can be there all the time, or it may come and go. Chronic pain can appear anywhere in your body. 

Chronic pain can interfere with your daily actities, such as working, having a social life and taking care of yourself or others. It can lead to depression, anxiety and trouble sleeping, which can make your pain worse. This response creates a cycle that's hard to break.

Pain is processed in the brain. Chronic pain is the result of the brain overprocessing pain, and is therefore a neurological condition. At High Quality Home Therapy in Stamford, CT and Rye, NY we provide therapy services to patients experiencing chronic pain in our outpatient clinic and in homes throughout Connecticut and New York.

What's the difference between chronic pain and other pain?

Chronic pain differs from another type of pain called acute pain. Acute pain happens when you get hurt, such as cutting your skin or breaking a bone. It doesn't last long and goes away when your body heals itself. Chonic pain, on the other hand, continues long after you recover from an injury or illness. Sometimes it comes on for no apparent reason.

Where do people have chronic pain?

Commone types of chronic pain include:

Arthritis, or joint pain

Back pain

Neck pain

Cancer pain near a tumor

Headaches, including migraines

Testicular pain (orchialgia)

Scar tissue pain

Mucle pain (such as with fibromyalgia)

Neurogenic pain, from damage to the nerves or other parts of the nervous system

Chronic pain is a neurological condition.

If you have questions or want to finally feel better, give us a call at (203)212-4191 or email us at Info@HQHTherapy.com so you can begin your journey to healing.