
Social Skills Groups

Social Skills Groups services offered in Stamford, CT and Rye, NY

Social Skills Groups

Social Skills Groups services offered in Stamford, CT and Rye, NY

If you or your child struggles with social interactions, turn to High Quality Home Therapy in Stamford, Connecticut, & Rye, New York, which also offers in-home services to patients throughout Connecticut and New York. Caryn McAllister, PT, DPT, and the compassionate team provide access to social skills groups for people of all ages. Schedule an in-person or telehealth appointment by phone or online today.  


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Social Skills Groups Q&A

What are social skills groups?

Social skills groups at High Quality Home Therapy involve groups of children, or sometimes adults, who meet on a regular basis with a therapist. The provider helps them learn important skills needed for appropriate social interactions. Social skills groups offer access to social situations and teach exceptional friendship, conversational, and problem-solving skills.

What are the benefits of social skills groups?

The benefits of social skills groups at High Quality Home Therapy include:

  • Stronger interpersonal relationships
  • Improved communication skills
  • Physical, mental, and social well-being
  • Better anger management
  • Improved childhood behaviors
  • More friends
  • Better grades at school
  • Easier ability to get a job
  • Happier mood
  • Improved quality of life
  • Improved confidence
  • Better social skills
  • More practice with learning social cues

Therapists at High Quality Home Therapy can help you or a family member work through social or emotional challenges, navigate insurance issues, or cope with a difficult medical diagnosis. Your therapist helps you process changes in a safe, healthy, and effective manner.

Which conditions can social skills groups address?

Anyone struggling with social interactions can benefit from social skills groups, including people with the following:

  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Social anxiety
  • Generalized anxiety 
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Difficulty forming or keeping friendships
  • Selective mutism
  • Anger management problems
  • Problems acting out at school 
  • Communication challenges
  • Loneliness 
  • Addictions 
  • Ongoing stress
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Attachment disorder
  • Bullying
  • Impaired self confidence
  • Shyness
  • Difficulty reading social cues
  • Trouble taking turns

Even if you simply want your child to have more exposure to social settings to optimize their well-being, consider social skills groups at High Quality Home Therapy.

A specialist determines which form of therapy is best suited for you or your child after discussing your medical history, symptoms, lifestyle, personality traits, and more. They may complete a psychiatric evaluation or other assessments to know which social skills groups are the best fit.

What happens during social skills groups?

During social skills group therapy classes, you or your child meet with a therapist and other group members in person or virtually via telehealth. The therapist teaches various techniques to improve each patient's understanding of themselves including social skills and interactions, including mindfulness, talk therapy, and somatic experiencing for trauma resolution. 

The High Quality Home Therapy team tailors a treatment plan to help you and your family thrive physically, emotionally, and socially. 

High Quality Home Therapy also provides occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, and other forms of therapy.

Schedule an in-person or telehealth appointment at High Quality Home Therapy by phone or request one online today to take advantage of social skills groups.